The Schooner Sara B Log

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September 06, 2014     Post 47
Summer, 2014

Abbreviated cruise - at anchor in Sodus Bay
Summer is winding down for Sara B's 2014 season with about a month to go until Haul Out. She's been fairly busy, though, with two short cruises with associates, two re-enactments and a number of day sails with relatives, friends and associates. Our first effort to get Bill and Anne to Main Duck Island in June was terminated by cold, fog, and a northerly wind. A day or two before summer's official start, the lake still hadn't stratified after a cold late spring. Large patches of 37 degree F surface water still prevailed just offshore and made for a raw penetrating cold that defeated four layers of clothes when added to fog. After an hour or so we gave up and tacked and headed inshore to Sodus Bay. The next day we sailed along the shore to Oswego and toured the old port and then headed home.

Sara B's masts behind Derrick Boat 8 in Oswego
Each July Fair Haven sees the “traditional” July 4 boat parade. This year, in honor of Sara B's own 60th year, we talked Elliot Smith, a local bagpipe player into going with us around the bay. He was a resounding success. When the wild cry of the highland pipes first sounded forth over the water we heard applause from several nearby boats- Skye Boat Song, Scotland the Brave and (of course) Amazing Grace accompanied Sara B around the bay as on that Glorious Fourth flags fluttered, burgers broiled, and beer cans popped.

We did get a short cruise to Canada in with Rich S in July. It was largely a diesel cruise, but the serene calm sunny weather was marvelous for shore side tours. We even found our way to the elusive long rumored shore side landing at South Bay, where we walked five minutes down the road to an excellent Marine Museum that details life on the lake in the 19th and early 20th century. Wreck artifacts, models of ships, old engines, eel spears, and fish nets tell of the lake fishery and early yachting days from a simpler time of self sufficient rural life in and around Prince Edward County. We tiptoed around the class of kids learning how to tie knots and enjoyed an afternoon of time travel in this quiet corner of the County.

Docked at Oswego Maritime Foundation/H Lee White Musuem

A month later Sara B was back in Oswego for a 1812 War battle re-enactment during Harborfest. (Video here) The 'battle fleet' consisted of three schooners and several fiberglass sloops plodding around in circles in front of the port under power. We had a gun crew with miniature 100 pound cannon an our foredeck who bombarded the fort with black powder blanks. Splendid echoes rolled off the cement silos and Port Authority warehouses as 'fire in the hole' sounded forth from our foredeck. We then spent the night and saw more gun powder set off in a spectacular fireworks show.

We won the naval 'engagement' that weekend but lost our starter motor. Once again the Perkin's Delco Remy was put into service as a substitute. Our latest thinking is to get a custom made Bendix gear for it this winter. Meantime the mis-matched starter gear and flywheel sort of work, though I cross my fingers every time I push the button. And we have made several landings on the mooring under sail. One day a restaurant diner confronted us as we walked up to the car to tell us how he had enjoyed watching Sara B land under sail. It's a bit like watching a bird come down with spread wings to drop precisely and lightly on its perch - graceful and effortless. Or so it appears from shore anyway.

Waupoos Marina, Prince Edward Bay

Sara B joined Horizon and Owl for the Piratefest edition two. She motored around with a crew of ten but was heavily outgunned by Bob Shon's grandchildren and speedily surrendered the treasure. Many photos were taken and the affair was judged a success. Thanks to Owl's John Lewis and Bob Ellis of the Lotus, we even had a big schooner come down for a visit. Doug Hazlitt brought his When and If a sixty foot on deck Alden from Sodus to the Pleasant Beach floater for a visit. That was the biggest boat of the year for Pleasant Beach, but H and Bonnie accommodated them with style.

So now the sailing season, like the lake levels, draws down and diminishes. We have a newly dredged channel though for next year. And Sara B's glass job seems to be holding up so far. We even got her through a survey and bought insurance for her. Except for the relapse of the old CAV starter it's been a good season for her.

South Bay

Riled up lake on the Main Duck Island ledges

Sun rising between the Main Duck harbor entrance markers


Oswego Harbor, tugs Syracuse and Urger at the lock

Well, Sara B does occasionally get someone under 60 aboard! Aidan Mike

Pirates at the Pirate Fest

Daysailing with the Jon McDonald family - Faith and Inthira

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